Projects / Roots
My investigation into the subject of roots came as I became interested in a variety of factors.
The first is the rise in number of refugees moving around in the world. They are searching for a place away from wars and famine, looking for a better place where to make a future, bringing their identity and past (roots) with them. What happens when the newcomers and the already rooted meet?
We use phrases like ‘political turmoil’ and experience a general dissatisfaction, the cause of which is in most cases, vague.
Even though we are physically healthier, live longer, have more material things then ever and travel more there is still this nagging feeling of dissatisfaction. We feel less grounded, less rooted.
More is demanded from our time due to new technology and the growth economy. It’s easy to lose our sense of identity. We react and grow erratically – like a tangle of roots.